Upcoming dates:
July 11th, 2012 Interact Intranet 5.1: What every intranet manager should know (webinar)
New widgets
- YouTube
- place it on the page, add the URL and up comes the video
- automatic sizing depending on where you place the widget
- you add a single video, and add other videos to a queue
- Questions:
- can you add a channel or favorites feed?
- can this widget display videos from the media manager?
- are these videos indexed for search purposes?
- allows you to add map points through the widget
- works in the US
- Question:
- can you add a map created in google maps? or does it only allow you to add a blank map and add points via the widget?
- is there a limit to the number of points you can add?
- Translator
- works in real time on full content of the intranet
- 37 different languages, Welch not included
- backend is Microsoft Translator, not Babelfish
- the translator works on all text, documents, forums
- Question:
- from what I could see it doesn't appear to be tied to your profile language, instead it seemed to require you to change languages via a portlet. Is that accurate?
- Rotating banner
- "incredibly useful because homepage is the most valuable real estate. This is the place that everyone will look"
- it stops if you mouse over it
- it is a free text widget which uses regular HTML, or an image
- you can control the rotating speed and length of time each image stays on the screen
New & enhanced tools
- Activity Management
- this area had a lot of focus in the webinar and unfortunately is the area I payed the least attention to because of work needs
- activities go live when the document goes live
- categorization of staff for assigning activities is done in an advanced search area and lets you select based upon things such as location, department, etc.
- it work with teams
- Watch the demo
- Profile completeness score
- Improved blogging tools
- ability to subscribe to blogs
- Question:
- What is the difference between subscribing vs following?
- Is there a way to manage all subscriptions or would one need to visit each blog to selectively unsubscribe if they wanted?
- What is the process for subscription notification, email or alerts I assume?
- Mobile app
- integrated filtered content based upon your location
- Improved authentication
- ability to reset AD passwords w/ password strength rules
- Widget selector
- There is a new widget selector tool to help homepage managers select widgets. Details about the widget, display of latest widgets.
Coming soon: Integrations with...
- MailChimp
- MailChimp helps you design email newsletters, share them on social networks, integrate with services you already use, and track your results. It's like your own personal publishing platform.
- Basecamp
- web-based project management and collaboration tool
Something I didn't know, Rackspace can be used for hosting of Interact.
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