One of the most widely used applications on our intranet has been a custom developed location finder to help our employees find addresses of our 250 locations. We recently migrated to Interact Intranet and developed a new custom location finder which queries against location and personnel information from within the database.
The out of the box people directory can displays location information if you configure it, but it takes a few extra steps to get to the data. We plan to offer both the People Director and Location Directory to our users through homepage widgets and the Applications menu from our top navigation.
If you have a location finder on your intranet I'd love to know what features you've built into it, and any suggestions you might have so we can make ours even better thanks!
Screenshot 1: The dropdown contains a list of our chapters (aka States) and regional offices. By selecting from the list the lower panel does an inline refresh to show the appropriate content.
Screenshot 2: Click on the "View Staff" link from the first screenshot
displays a list of everyone that works in the office you selected.