Wednesday, September 21, 2011 job comparison: Oracle WebCenter, IBM WebSphere, MS Sharepoint, Liferay, Drupal, and Jive

Lately I've been investigating different platforms in the portal market.
Today I took a look at how the products stack up from a different angle - job trends from

The results shouldn't come as a big surprise:
  • Sharepoint is growing like a weed
  • IBM WebSphere keeps on trucking
  • Drupal, Liferay, Oracle WebCenter and Jive have seen great progress since 2006
  • Oracle WebCenter's results might be a little skewed since only recently have they brought most of their portal related products under the same umbrella. There are still plenty of jobs posted under old product names such as ALUI, Plumtree, UMC, Stellant, Fatwire, etc. IMHO to compete with the branding power of IBM they should also bring WebLogic server under the umbrella.
What is interesting is that in the last 6 months it seems that most of the companies have seen a dip in hiring.

MS Sharepoint
30,584 jobs posted currently (24,874/2,031/4,402)


IBM WebSphere
15,576 jobs posted currently (11,438/1,675/2,803)

2,853 jobs posted currently (2,286/163/487)

532 jobs posted currently (403/69/79)

Oracle WebCenter
302 jobs posted currently: 246/34/26 (full/pt/contract)

258 jobs posted currently (205/13/27)


  1. SharePoint is an emerging technology in which many people are trying to make their successful career. The statistics that you have posted above depicts how the number of jobs are increasing in this area. Its high time for all the people to opt this technology to make their future bright.
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