Thursday, November 5, 2015

Intranet Satisfaction Survey

In August of 2015 March of Dimes formed an intranet champions group to identify areas for improvement.  The group consisted of 3 staff members from our HQ and 8 from our "field" (staff NOT in the HQ).  After several brainstorming sessions it was decided that a user survey would be helpful in validating identified changes, and to bolster the business case for budget to design & implement those changes (apart from Interact support costs and staff salary, our standard operating budget for the intranet is $0). Our communication plan began in October with a blog post to staff which included:
  • a poll for them to help select a mission statement for the intranet
  • an introduction of the champion team
  • the announcement of a November satisfaction survey
In November we launched the satisfaction survey on our intranet, which included a homepage announcement and a banner (built in 5 minutes on!).  The banner will remain active on the site until Dec 1st, although the announcement would likely only stay on the homepage for 2-3 days before being pushed off by newer content.    Because our intranet is our primary vehicle for communication, no emails will be distributed to alert staff of the survey.

My goal is to update this post at the conclusion of the survey and share our results - good, bad and ugly!


Title: dimension Needs Your Feedback

As part of our continued path of improvement, we invite you to participate in a Foundation-wide dimension intranet satisfaction survey.

All staff are invited to participate in our anonymous survey to let us know what you like, and where we can improve.  The survey will be available until December 1st, and will take approximately 5 minutes to complete.

After analyzing the results, we will communicate both the findings and our action plan.  It is only through transparent accountability that we will realize our organizational potential and build a great place for us all to work.

The goal of dimension is to effectively communicate and engage staff with current resources and information in a collaborative environment while supporting a foundation-wide culture change to bridge the distance between departments, offices and employees.

Survey Questions

  1. The homepage has relevant information to help me be more effective in my job 
  2. I can easily determine when new content is added or updated
  3. I am aware of what information and resources are available
  4. The intranet is well organized to provide quick answers to my questions
  5. When using the intranet, how easy is it to find the information you need?
  6. Navigating the intranet is simple and intuitive from an end user perspective
  7. I can easily find the information I am looking for using navigation at the top of the site, and the links on the left side of the page
  8. I can easily find the information I am looking for using the search feature
  9. I typically use the search function before I try to manually navigate to content
  10. Content is up-to-date and relevant for my needs
  11. When I have an idea for new content, it is clear who manages each section of dimension and who to submit the request to
  12. Help Desk tickets related to the intranet are responded to in a timely manner
  13. Questions posted on pages of the site, and forums, are answered in a timely manner
  14. Which of the following items describes your use of the discussion forums
    1. I feel comfortable posting a question
    2. I am confident my questions will be answered promptly
    3. I enjoy reading the forums
    4. I use the forums to search for answers to questions others have asked
    5. I am not comfortable posting a question
    6. I would rather email, call or Jabber someone
  15. If offered, I would attend training to better understand how to use functions of the site such as search, forums, blogs, page comments, etc.
  16. If offered, I would attend training on the organization of the site, and where to go to find the information I need.
  17. My preferred style of training would be
    1. Self-paced course
    2. Video tutorial
    3. Live webinar
    4. In-person
  18. How could we improve dimension
    1. Make it easier to find information by improving the site navigation
    2. Allow more personal information to be added
    3. Increase participation by senior management in social tools (forums, comments, Kudos, blogs, etc)
    4. Make it easier to upload documents
    5. Make it easier to share documents with others
    6. Develop more training
    7. Improve readability and overall quality of content
    8. Use more images and videos to make the site less text heavy
    9. Offer engaging activities
    10. Develop mobile access capabilities
    11. Provide an off-topic (water-cooler) discussion forum, for conversation that are less business focused
    12. Develop a subscription tool to send peronalized emails of what has changed on dimension
    13. Make the site more fun
  19. List the top 3 things you would like to see changed and how you would change them
  20. What type of information do you find the most valuable on the homepage?
    1. Announcements
    2. Application shortcuts
    3. Staff highlights (promotions, new hires, etc) 
    4. Forums
    5. Blogs
    6. Upcoming events
    7. Kudos (employee recognition tool)
    8. Timeline (aka Activity Feed)
    9. Recently added/updated content
    10. Quote of the day/week
    11. Poll of the day/week
  21. What is your overall level of satisfaction with the intranet
  22. How often do you typically visit the intranet?